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Before and after your last birth
A mom came to receive chiropractic treatment at our clinic.

This time, she came to the hospital again for her second pregnancy ✨

There are 6 benefits for those who are 6 to 7 months pregnant to receive a maternity therapist who specializes in prenatal and postnatal care.

1. Reducing the burden on your body From the middle to late stages of pregnancy, your belly grows and your body's center of gravity changes, which increases lower back pain and back pain. Our maternity chiropractic treatment relieves muscle tension and improves posture, reducing the burden on your body.

2. Improves swelling: During pregnancy, blood flow tends to stagnate, which can lead to swelling. Chiropractic treatment promotes blood circulation and reduces swelling. It's cold and warm.

3. Relaxation effect: Mental anxiety and stress tend to increase during pregnancy. Our maternity treatment also has a relaxing effect, reducing stress and relaxing. .

4. Preparation for childbirth: Chiropractors adjust the distortion of the pelvis and make the muscles around the pelvis flexible. This will make it easier to reduce the stress during childbirth. Also, maintaining proper body condition supports a smoother childbirth.
Labor time is short
Some people have described it as comparable to painless childbirth.

5. Posture improvement: By correcting the changes in posture caused by pregnancy and maintaining the correct posture, you can prevent physical discomfort in the later stages of pregnancy.

6. Accelerates postpartum recovery: Receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy can prepare you for a smooth postpartum recovery. By maintaining the condition of your pelvis and the flexibility of your muscles, you will be able to recover your body shape faster after giving birth.

For these reasons, there are many benefits to receiving a maternity therapist who specializes in prenatal and postnatal care during the 6th to 7th month of pregnancy.

#Maternity Chiropractic
#Prenatal and postnatal care
#back pain improvement
#Improvement of swelling
#birth preparation
#Improve posture
#postpartum recovery
#pelvic correction
#Weight management
#health during pregn

